Now that you’ve got the basics of how to create animations through our platform, it’s time to share a little secret with you: You can input the background to your animations right from inside the Animation Maker. Yes, you heard that right, you can actually get the complete scene for that animation without needing a third-party video editor. In this continuation of our basic tutorial, we are going to explain to you just how you can do that.
the Video FileStarting out from after you have logged into the platform, click on the project you want to edit and click “input”. By doing this, you will be taken to that familiar page where you can personalize your animation by inputting your preferences. Along with all of these options you will find the movie window, where you would be able to upload your background video file. Below it, there will be a button which, when clicked, will prompt you to either upload a pre-recorded video file, or record a new one with a camera, uploading it directly to the platform. Choice between these two options (upload or camera recording) can be done in settings. Once you do one of these two things, your video will appear as a background to your animation, and they will be ready to convert and download as a single scene. Hit “create” from your animations tab and pick one of the options for resolution and video format. Now, all you have to do is go back to your projects page click on it again and hit “output”, which will bring you to the page where you can download it.
Do It From Your PhoneAnother great quirk of this background video function is that you don’t have to wait until you get home to do it. This is something that you can do from your cellphone or any other mobile device with a camera and internet connection. Meaning you can actually get your footage ready for use on the spot and ready to use within a few minutes on the spot.
The BenefitsSo, if this is something you can do from a third-party editor, why would you use this feature from our platform? The answer can be summed up in a single word: practicality. That is why would waste productive time downloading your animation only to add it to a scene on a further step? Not only are you wasting time, but organization, another important aspect of video editing also suffer by you having more files in your library that you actually need.
ConclusionBy embedding your own videos in these animations they will actually blend together, with shadows being cast in the background and other interactions. This possibility is not only a great time saver, but also lends you the power of our dedicated computers to render the entire scene, instead of only one aspect of it. The results of taking this course of action when planning out a new video project always greatly add to the production value of your videos and to yourself as a content creator.